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Years ago the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began grant programs for families affected by natural disasters. These grants are administered through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). FEMA’s website defines these type grants as providing assistance to states and local governments with the implementations of long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration.What…
What is a GeoLocator Service?It’s a nightmare scenario. Your home has just been destroyed in a tornado and you are trapped inside your storm shelter or safe room. The good news is this possibility is extremely remote. Want even better news? Survive-a-Storm safe rooms and storm shelters come equipped with a very unique feature unlike…
The decision that often causes the most confusion is whether you should use an above ground storm shelter or an underground storm shelter. There are many options in the ever-evolving world of storm preparedness and storm shelters. Here at Survive-A-Storm we manufacture both above and underground storm shelters, and we believe both types are equally safe…
It’s no secret that nature can be a very violent, scary force that can wreak havoc on lives and property. Remember watching the coverage of the EF-5 killer tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma in May of 2013? Being safe and protected is the number one priority when it comes to dangerous weather. Tornadoes in particular can…
Understanding real consequences of natural disasters that have occurred throughout the world in the last decade or so should make you realize how important preparation is. If you have witnessed or read about the utter devastation from tornadoes or hurricanes such as Katrina or Sandy, then you hopefully agree that having a safety plan in…
If possible, when you receive a tornado warning, get to a shelter. If you don’t have one at your house, take a look at the steel construction of our above ground storm shelter selection, and choose Survive-a-Storm!An above ground storm shelter is a great way to protect yourself and your family since staying in your home is not the…
Survive-a-Storm Shelters offers an array of options for above ground tornado shelters. They come “panelized” to be bolted together when installed, with welded seams to protect from rain, and even with a layer of bullet-resistant material, very similar to Kevlar.When you call us at 888-360-1492 to discuss your above ground tornado shelter purchase, one of…
Steel, one of the strongest building materials around, is the best material for storm shelters in today’s unpredictable and extreme weather events. This is why Survive-a-Storm Shelters uses 10 gauge steel for all of its residential units and 1/4″ steel plate for its community safe rooms. Why do we believe steel storm shelters are the…
Survive-a-Storm Shelters believes in the value of community safe rooms, especially the models manufactured in our facility.Let us count the ways:Survive-A-Storm – Manufacturing SuperiorityMore steel and concrete in our tornado sheltersSurvive-a-Storm Shelters have approximately 10% more steel, 15% more concrete and 385% more rebar than the competition.Welded construction means safetySome companies might use only anchor…
1970, Lubbock Texas—a tornado rips through, killing 26 people and destroying a third of the ‘hub’ of the South Plains. Texas Tech researchers took this opportunity to document the damage to find ways of improving building structures for resisting extreme winds. By 1974, the idea of the above-ground storm shelter was born. Over the years,…
Have you ever climbed down into a root cellar?Complete with a shaky, unstable ladder and a dusty dirt floor? Most have just a flat piece of wood over the opening. It will keep fruits, and veggies cool all year long.As for safety–when it’s time to hunker down from a raging EF-5 tornado, is this where…
With tornado season mostly over, and we move into the Winter months, it is important to remember next season, and the protection of our self and families. A Steel storm cellar is the best solution for long term investment. There is none of the wear and tear that happens with storm cellars constructed from other materials.Mother in…
Prepping–No Longer a Question of “Should I?” But “How Should I?”Preppers–the people who stockpile food, water, and all kinds of survival supplies–their numbers seem to be growing, and they’re not just fringe groups and hermits in the mountains anymore. Real Americans, with real families, jobs, homes, and lives in general, are opening their eyes to…
Additional Shelter Options to Add to Your Comfort and SafetyWhile you hopefully won’t spend much time inside your shelter or safe room, there are several shelter options you may want to consider which will make you feel more comfortable and secure.Jack – We offer a hydraulic jack with our below ground shelters. Sometimes during a…
Survive-a-Storm Shelters is happy to announce that we are an official producer member of the NSSA, or National Storm Shelter Association. Each of our shelters will now carry the official seal of the NSSA. Our customers will also receive a certificate stamped with the NSSA’s raised seal, which verifies our commitment to the highest standards…
Survive-A-Storm Shelters is one of only several commercial storm shelter companies in the United States, and it is the only one that has completed in excess of $70 million in government contracting with FEMA over the past decade. Add this to the fact that the company has earned a $153 million contract with the Department…
Government officials in Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley have more than just road construction and school lunch programs to factor into their budgets: they have to consider the mortal safety of residents in their community. Most of these states have taken up initiatives to build storm shelters, knowing that they’re pretty much necessary to survival…
After filming the above ground installation, I grabbed some burgers for the crew, and we headed out to the below ground installation site. Our destination was Camilla, Georgia, about an hour north of our plant. We don’t often install in our area, but this particular town has a sad storm story of its own to…
Being prepared for a storm doesn’t just mean keeping our bodies safe from harm during the actual storm. We must also consider the subsequent effects, after the storm has blown by, those effects which could last for days or even weeks. Often after tornadoes, hurricanes, and even just bad storms, our everyday resources such as…
Tornadoes have traditionally been considered a Midwest phenomenon, appearing in all their twisting terror in the middle of cornfields or spinning across vast prairie land. We have what we call “Tornado Alley,” which includes the states where most of our country’s tornadoes take place: Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Iowa, and parts of Colorado…
Many people prefer to shelter underground, and that makes great sense. Flying debris certainly isn’t going to penetrate 3-4 feet of earth. However, if you live in a place where a below ground shelter isn’t feasible, or if you just want a shelter inside your basement or garage for convenience, an above ground safe room is just as…
We here at Survive-a-Storm Shelters are big fans of improvement. That is why we have a new underground storm shelter design just in time for the 2012 tornado season! We know that no one person ever has all the answers, and everyone is welcome to voice their opinion. In this kind of environment, people feel…