Tornado Articles

When Is It Safe To Come Out of a Tornado Shelter After a Tornado Warning?

Tornado warnings and when it’s safe to come out. Being under a tornado warning is a stressful time. The thought of your home being damaged, eerie sirens screaming, and deep concern for your family by themselves is enough to get your blood pressure up. But, being in an unfamiliar location such as a bathtub, closet,…

Can you believe your eyes about how tornadoes form?

Tornadoes seem to be growing more powerful. Scientists are learning more about their power, as well as how they form, through the latest scientific studies. And according to one of the latest theories, your eyes may be deceiving you.Tornadoes don’t really drop down from the clouds, as our eyes tell us. The opposite is true, according…

Hurricane Michael: Tornadoes Cause Damage

Driving through our small town of Thomasville and seeing the destruction that Hurricane Michael caused, my heart is heavy.  I think about Panama City, Tyndall Air Force Base, and what used to be Mexico Beach, and I wonder how so many displaced people are just supposed to pick back up and start all over.  Where…

Oklahoma Weather—Strange and Unusual

 So far, Mother Nature seems to be in stealth mode where tornadoes are concerned.  Is she is just being lazy or is this the calm before the storm?  Either way, the fact that not one tornado has been recorded in the state of Oklahoma since October 21, 2017 leaves many residents thankful for the quiet.  Rick…

Albany Tornadoes 2017: We Remember

One year ago, this month, Southwest Georgia area was caught off-guard by one of the sneakiest and most unexpected EF3 tornadoes.  Of course, there were a total of eight southern states that were affected by the swarm of tornadoes.For our Survive-a-Storm team members, however, the tornado that struck Albany was a grim reminder that what…

Remembering the Tuscaloosa Tornado of 2000

Be prepared, lest we forget. Just ask the folks who live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Oftentimes after a tragedy occurs, we spend the next few years honoring those who may have fallen, or who may have been affected by said tragedy.  As life goes on and we begin to heal, we move further away from the event…

Preparing for What Scares You Most

We live in a world with so much going on around us all the time.  One commodity that we fight for is protection.  We seek shelter from things that scare us or that have the capacity to harm us.  Shelter seekers are often running from things like terrorist attacks, government corruption, economic collapse, home invasions,…

Crazy Tornadoes: Is There a Shift in the Ranks?

Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama typically outrank other states for the most tornadoes each year. However, all three states have been bumped down while Georgia has claimed the number one spot in the nation when this was written in 2017. January 21-22 staged a two-day outbreak which broke state records and rocked the Southwestern area of…

Answer the Call: Geolocator Service

A message from Cynthia:My cell phone rang at the most inopportune time.  My hands were full.  I was busy carrying in groceries and dealing the children.  The dog was barking and a storm was headed our way.  I ignored the call, think one more thing was just too much.    My husband is a truck driver who…

Can Hurricanes Spawn Tornadoes?

When it comes to hurricanes, meteorologists can generally give impact areas a few days notice of when and where it might hit.  I can remember my father preparing our home for Hurricane Allen when we lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.  He boarded up the windows and tied down anything we had outside that couldn’t fit…

Purchase a Storm Shelter - Solid. Safe. Secure.

2017 kicked off the year so far with a scary record number of tornadoes.  According to the NOAA National Weather Service, there were 138 recorded tornadoes in January 2017 and only 18 for the month of January 2016.  There have also been 20 deaths so far, this year.  Typically, tornado season begins March and carries…

Tornadoes Are Unpredictable—Moving Past Fear

A tornado is a scary, unpredictable event! In March of 1925, a deadly twister tore through three states—Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana—giving it the name “The Tri-State Tornado.” One of the deadliest of its kind, this mile-wide tornado killed 695 people, as it traveled 219 miles at 70 miles per hour over a period of 3…