Tornado Articles

FEMA 320: A Great Guide for Residential Tornado Shelters

FEMA P-320 is a guide to residential storm shelters: it promotes understanding tornadoes and deciding on the best protection for you and your loved ones. Survive-A-Storm Shelters follows the regulations outlined in the FEMA P-320 publication, from size and occupancy standards to engineering specifications in the construction of storm shelters.Why Should I Use FEMA 320…

EF5 Tornadoes: A Devastating Force

When it comes to tornadoes, the EF5 tornado stands as a colossal force, unparalleled in its power and capacity for destruction. It’s the maximum measurable level for tornadoes on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. And they are certainly a phenomenon that defies the ordinary. With wind speeds exceeding 200 mph, these massive storms bring devastation and…

The Importance of Anchors with Tornado Shelters

The threat of tornadoes is a constant reminder of nature’s unpredictable power. We understand the worry that comes with sheltering from a powerful tornado. We see this fear present in the questions asked by those who wonder how we can possibly anchor down something above ground against an EF5 tornado.The answer is in the science…

Safe and Sound: Exploring the Types of Residential Tornado Shelters

As the sun sets on a quiet suburban neighborhood, families gather in their homes in relative comfort and security. Inside, children play in the living room, parents prepare the evening meal, and the world outside is a distant concern. It’s a testament to the peace that a safe home can offer. But, there’s also an…

How to Gauge a Tornado Threat: Alerts and Polygons Explained

In many areas of the United States, tornado season is well underway. In the Southeast, states like Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee have already had a particularly rough start and they’ll be on edge until June. (And they may have a secondary tornado season in the fall, depending on weather conditions.) Residents of the Central US,…

Tornado Alley vs. Dixie Alley: A Comparison

People have heard the term “Tornado Alley” often enough to know that it is a region of the United States where tornadoes are the most prevalent. However, there is some disagreement over the area’s borders, and whether or not Tornado Alley is “shifting.” While there is no official boundary, the region typically includes the Great…

Choosing a Commercial Tornado Shelter for Your Business

Imagine being at work, all day you’ve heard the sound of driving rain, the skies are dark and now it’s starting to hail. While it’s bad weather, you can’t just leave work every time the sky looks threatening. You’ve just heard that the National Weather Service has upgraded your area from a tornado watch to…

Don't Risk It - Invest in a Commercial Tornado Shelter for your Business

Everyone knows tornadoes are risky. Thanks to Hollywood, we know that tornadoes can be dangerous, even deadly.At their least worrisome, an EF0 tornado can cause mild damage to outbuildings and small sheds, and take shingles off of roofs. At the other end of the Fujita scale, an EF5 tornado can have winds 200-300 mph and…

Measuring Tornado Intensity-F5 or EF5? The Differences

When it comes to measuring the intensity of tornadoes, you may have seen an “F5 tornado” referenced or an “EF5 tornado.” So, what is the difference, or are they essentially the same? Let’s take a closer look.The F and the EF reference the Fujita scale and the Enhanced Fujita scale (EF scale).  Both of these scales…

A Modern View of Tornado Alley

Tornado Alley is a concept that seems simple but is a bit complex. Traditionally, tornado alley has been depicted as a stripe of states north-south through the Great Plains. The illustration from Wikipedia (below) is typical. But we now know that depiction is incomplete. The map below, from Tornado Archive, is a new map of…

The History of Storm Chasing

Did you know? The year 2022 is the 50th anniversary of storm chasing.In the spring of 1972, two meteorologists from the National Severe Storms Laboratory and Notre Dame University came to the student chapter of the American Meteorological Society at the University of Oklahoma. At the time, I was a meteorology student. They requested that…

How Are Tornadoes Formed?

Jo: [We’ll] get a profile [of the tornado’s structure] for the first time.Dr. Reeves: What will that do?Jo: If we know how tornadoes work, we can design a warning system.Dr. Reeves: Aren’t there warnings already?Jo: Right now, it’s three minutes. If we can get this information, we can increase it to 15, give people a…