Above Ground Articles
Everyone knows tornadoes are risky. Thanks to Hollywood, we know that tornadoes can be dangerous, even deadly.At their least worrisome, an EF0 tornado can cause mild damage to outbuildings and small sheds, and take shingles off of roofs. At the other end of the Fujita scale, an EF5 tornado can have winds 200-300 mph and…
The statement in the headline of this post is correct, despite the belief of many that the best place to be in a tornado is underground. In fact, it has been known for some time that above-ground storm shelters are a safe and cost-effective storm shelter solution for homeowners to survive an EF5 tornado.According to a research paper…
Before you buy a tornado shelter, there’s one fundamental question that you must know the answer to, “How many people do I need to protect?” Which may lead you to ask, “How do I determine what size tornado shelter to buy?”How many people will be in your tornado shelter?When the shelter is for your home,…
You are under a flash flood warning, and it is pouring rain outside. Suddenly, you hear the sound of tornado sirens. Should you use an underground tornado shelter?The answer is a bit more complex than one might imagine.This situation actually occurred in Big Sandy, Texas, on the morning of August 22, 2022, as a tornado…
Whether you live in a high-risk tornado zone or not, it is essential that you know the risks and the signs of a tornado in order to be prepared. Follow this advice from ready.gov: Know your area’s tornado risk. In the U.S., the Midwest and the Southeast have a greater risk for tornadoes. Know the signs…
By Ben Nunnally, Star Staff Writer, bnunnally@annistonstar.com Residents of the Thankful community west of Anniston have one more thing to be happy about: a new storm shelter on 14th Street at Thankful Community Park. The shelter — called a “community safe room” in FEMA’s codes — has room for about 96 occupants, according to Georgia-based manufacturer…
What comes to mind when you think of purchasing an above ground safe room? While there are multiple uses for owning one, i.e. tornadoes, home invasion, panic rooms, storage, etc., being confident in the one you own is essential.The Best Above Ground Safe Room in AmericaMany fly-by-night, above ground safe room companies claim to be…
Last Updated: July 28, 2016 We have the opportunity to talk to, meet with, and help thousands of people across the nation. Whether we are installing a community safe room for a school, or military base or some giant corporation, or whether we are installing a family shelter, we love our customers and we really appreciate…
Last Updated: July 28, 2016 Most people living in the state of Oklahoma know that tornadoes knocking on their door is not an uncommon occurrence. This fact does not help the residents sleep better at night; that is unless they have a reliable, safe, and secure plan in place. When it comes to Oklahoma storm shelters,…
Last Updated: July 28, 2016 With all of the new research and technological advances, above ground tornado shelters are now being built to keep everyone safe during a violent tornado.Many of the elderly and disabled find it nearly impossible to climb the ladder or stairs into an underground storm shelter. This can leave many vulnerable to taking…