Below Ground Articles

Invest in Safety: Choosing the Right Shelter

Understanding real consequences of natural disasters that have occurred throughout the world in the last decade or so should make you realize how important preparation is. If you have witnessed or read about the utter devastation from tornadoes or hurricanes such as Katrina or Sandy, then you hopefully agree that having a safety plan in…

Credentials are a Must

There are many avenues that we could venture down to ensure the safety of the people we love.  To begin with, one of the first things we might need to ask is, “What exactly are we protecting them from?”  One of the most difficult factors to consider is the fickleness of the weather.  For people…

Does a Root Cellar Offer Tornado Protection?

Have you ever climbed down into a root cellar?Complete with a shaky, unstable ladder and a dusty dirt floor? Most have just a flat piece of wood over the opening. It will keep fruits, and veggies cool all year long.As for safety–when it’s time to hunker down from a raging EF-5 tornado, is this where…

Installation: Underground Storm Shelter

After filming the above ground installation, I grabbed some burgers for the crew, and we headed out to the below ground installation site.  Our destination was Camilla, Georgia, about an hour north of our plant. We don’t often install in our area, but this particular town has a sad storm story of its own to…

New Underground Storm Shelter Design

We here at Survive-a-Storm Shelters are big fans of improvement. That is why we have a new underground storm shelter design just in time for the 2012 tornado season! We know that no one person ever has all the answers, and everyone is welcome to voice their opinion. In this kind of environment, people feel…