
Read about storms and severe weather, as well as secure shelter options, from America’s Tornado Shelter Provider – Survive-a-Storm.

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Tornado Myths - What Have You Heard?

Tornadoes have been a weather phenomenon for centuries.  And with that, come many tornado myths.  From the first published photographs of tornadoes, people were both in awe and afraid of them.  The chaotic whirlwinds can blow through a town and destroy one side of the street, one home on a street, or demolish the entire…

Answer the Call: Geolocator Service

A message from Cynthia:My cell phone rang at the most inopportune time.  My hands were full.  I was busy carrying in groceries and dealing the children.  The dog was barking and a storm was headed our way.  I ignored the call, think one more thing was just too much.    My husband is a truck driver who…

Can Hurricanes Spawn Tornadoes?

When it comes to hurricanes, meteorologists can generally give impact areas a few days notice of when and where it might hit.  I can remember my father preparing our home for Hurricane Allen when we lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.  He boarded up the windows and tied down anything we had outside that couldn’t fit…

Summer Safety Tips: Protect the Children

Summer is here at last!  As parents, we have a mix of emotions, because, while some of us parents are at work, our kids are free from school and schedules.  As parents, it is up to us to make sure, even when we are not with them, that they are safe!Teaching summer safety tips to…

Lightning Strikes: And Then You're OUT

Thunder is nature’s warning call.  If you have ever seen the sign, “When thunder roars, go indoors!”  then you know it is true.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS) believe in not taking chances when it comes to lightning.One of the best ways to protect yourself from lightning…

Tornado Weather - How Will I Know When to Worry?

Tornado weather is unpredictable and chaotic.  Especially since tornadoes can wreak havoc on large and small communities alike, from large businesses to small families.  Science has yet to find a way to give advanced notice of impending tornadoes.  Even hurricanes have a few day’s lead time, so those being impacted can make the decision to…

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