Community Shelter Articles
Having a reliable commercial tornado shelter is important, but it’s not just about picking and installing a shelter. First, you must make informed decisions to ensure the safety and well-being of your team, customers, or anyone on your commercial site. There are many factors to consider that will impact the effectiveness of your shelter.In this…
Tornadoes are one of nature’s most elusive and almost mystical phenomena. As a result, a large number of myths have developed around them throughout the decades. Unfortunately, those myths can put you and your family in great danger if a tornado approaches. So, we’ll run down some of the most common:Tornadoes will not strike …
As the leading national storm shelter provider, we get asked many questions concerning community safe room/tornado shelters that we would like to share.Where is the best location for me to put these shelters?In a general location for all employees/occupants to have a quick entry time.Do you all build and install below ground commercial shelters?Yes! We…
By Ben Nunnally, Star Staff Writer, Residents of the Thankful community west of Anniston have one more thing to be happy about: a new storm shelter on 14th Street at Thankful Community Park. The shelter — called a “community safe room” in FEMA’s codes — has room for about 96 occupants, according to Georgia-based manufacturer…
Midwesterners are known for their pioneer spirits and their ability to overcome hardships. They don’t like or expect help from outsiders, especially the government. Most believe that it isn’t up to the government to provide a community storm shelter but instead, it should be up to the individual home owners.What about those within the community who…
Last Updated: May 17, 2023 In your own city or town, or in your state, what is the importance of having a community storm shelter within reach?In Madison, Ga., it was important enough for officials to open FEMA-compliant community tornado safe rooms built and installed by Survive-A-Storm Shelters just in time for the impending storm season…
Is the suspense killing you? Okay. A powder coated safe room or storm shelter wins hands-down every time! That’s why all Survive-a-Storm safe rooms and storm shelters are powder coated to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality product on the market. Here’s how it works. Powder coating is a process of covering an…
Survive-a-Storm Shelters believes in the value of community safe rooms, especially the models manufactured in our facility.Let us count the ways:Survive-A-Storm – Manufacturing SuperiorityMore steel and concrete in our tornado sheltersSurvive-a-Storm Shelters have approximately 10% more steel, 15% more concrete and 385% more rebar than the competition.Welded construction means safetySome companies might use only anchor…
Survive-A-Storm Shelters is one of only several commercial storm shelter companies in the United States, and it is the only one that has completed in excess of $70 million in government contracting with FEMA over the past decade. Add this to the fact that the company has earned a $153 million contract with the Department…
Government officials in Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley have more than just road construction and school lunch programs to factor into their budgets: they have to consider the mortal safety of residents in their community. Most of these states have taken up initiatives to build storm shelters, knowing that they’re pretty much necessary to survival…