
Read about storms and severe weather, as well as secure shelter options, from America’s Tornado Shelter Provider – Survive-a-Storm.

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Oklahoma Weather—Strange and Unusual

 So far, Mother Nature seems to be in stealth mode where tornadoes are concerned.  Is she is just being lazy or is this the calm before the storm?  Either way, the fact that not one tornado has been recorded in the state of Oklahoma since October 21, 2017 leaves many residents thankful for the quiet.  Rick…

Albany Tornadoes 2017: We Remember

One year ago, this month, Southwest Georgia area was caught off-guard by one of the sneakiest and most unexpected EF3 tornadoes.  Of course, there were a total of eight southern states that were affected by the swarm of tornadoes.For our Survive-a-Storm team members, however, the tornado that struck Albany was a grim reminder that what…

Remembering the Tuscaloosa Tornado of 2000

Be prepared, lest we forget. Just ask the folks who live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Oftentimes after a tragedy occurs, we spend the next few years honoring those who may have fallen, or who may have been affected by said tragedy.  As life goes on and we begin to heal, we move further away from the event…

Storm Shelter Grants - We Accept Them!

Texas is a state that cares about its citizens.  In fact, they care enough to put programs in place to help local citizens feel safe in their own homes.  One such program, the North Central Texas Safe Room Rebate Program, is one of the storm shelter grants that the North Central Texas Council of Governments…

Preparing for What Scares You Most

We live in a world with so much going on around us all the time.  One commodity that we fight for is protection.  We seek shelter from things that scare us or that have the capacity to harm us.  Shelter seekers are often running from things like terrorist attacks, government corruption, economic collapse, home invasions,…

Crazy Tornadoes: Is There a Shift in the Ranks?

Texas, Oklahoma, and Alabama typically outrank other states for the most tornadoes each year. However, all three states have been bumped down while Georgia has claimed the number one spot in the nation when this was written in 2017. January 21-22 staged a two-day outbreak which broke state records and rocked the Southwestern area of…

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