Safe Room Articles

Stay Safe in Storm Shelters

It’s no secret that nature can be a very violent, scary force that can wreak havoc on lives and property. Remember watching the coverage of the EF-5 killer tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma in May of 2013?  Being safe and protected is the number one priority when it comes to dangerous weather. Tornadoes in particular can…

Survival Bunker. Who Needs 'Em?

Prepping–No Longer a Question of “Should I?” But “How Should I?”Preppers–the people who stockpile food, water, and all kinds of survival supplies–their numbers seem to be growing, and they’re not just fringe groups and hermits in the mountains anymore. Real Americans, with real families, jobs, homes, and lives in general, are opening their eyes to…

Shelter Options with Survive-a-Storm

Additional Shelter Options to Add to Your Comfort and SafetyWhile you hopefully won’t spend much time inside your shelter or safe room, there are several shelter options you may want to consider which will make you feel more comfortable and secure.Jack – We offer a hydraulic jack with our below ground shelters. Sometimes during a…

A Safe Room That is Safe

Many people prefer to shelter underground, and that makes great sense. Flying debris certainly isn’t going to penetrate 3-4 feet of earth. However, if you live in a place where a below ground shelter isn’t feasible, or if you just want a shelter inside your basement or garage for convenience, an above ground safe room is just as…