Preparation Articles
Last Updated: July 28, 2016 How many tools do you have in your tornado warning toolbox? And once you’re warned, how prepared are you to keep your family safe from the coming storm?Sirens are a startHopefully, your community has a siren system in place, which is often the first tool in the tornado warning toolbox. However, all…
Fall Planning…People want to know that they are safe. They don’t want to hope for the best, especially in the throes of a disaster or dangerous situation. Instead, most people want to be prepared ahead of time for any unexpected storm, no matter what kind is headed their direction. Although some storms of life are…
Is the suspense killing you? Okay. A powder coated safe room or storm shelter wins hands-down every time! That’s why all Survive-a-Storm safe rooms and storm shelters are powder coated to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality product on the market. Here’s how it works. Powder coating is a process of covering an…
Years ago the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began grant programs for families affected by natural disasters. These grants are administered through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). FEMA’s website defines these type grants as providing assistance to states and local governments with the implementations of long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration.What…
Understanding real consequences of natural disasters that have occurred throughout the world in the last decade or so should make you realize how important preparation is. If you have witnessed or read about the utter devastation from tornadoes or hurricanes such as Katrina or Sandy, then you hopefully agree that having a safety plan in…
1970, Lubbock Texas—a tornado rips through, killing 26 people and destroying a third of the ‘hub’ of the South Plains. Texas Tech researchers took this opportunity to document the damage to find ways of improving building structures for resisting extreme winds. By 1974, the idea of the above-ground storm shelter was born. Over the years,…
With tornado season mostly over, and we move into the Winter months, it is important to remember next season, and the protection of our self and families. A Steel storm cellar is the best solution for long term investment. There is none of the wear and tear that happens with storm cellars constructed from other materials.Mother in…
Being prepared for a storm doesn’t just mean keeping our bodies safe from harm during the actual storm. We must also consider the subsequent effects, after the storm has blown by, those effects which could last for days or even weeks. Often after tornadoes, hurricanes, and even just bad storms, our everyday resources such as…