
Read about storms and severe weather, as well as secure shelter options, from America’s Tornado Shelter Provider – Survive-a-Storm.

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FEMA Grants: How More People Can Gain Protection

Years ago the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began grant programs for families affected by natural disasters.  These grants are administered through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).  FEMA’s website defines these type grants as providing assistance to states and local governments with the implementations of long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration.What…

GeoLocator Service: An Added Security

What is a GeoLocator Service?It’s a nightmare scenario.  Your home has just been destroyed in a tornado and you are trapped inside your storm shelter or safe room.  The good news is this possibility is extremely remote.  Want even better news?  Survive-a-Storm safe rooms and storm shelters come equipped with a very unique feature unlike…

A Twister Pod: Sarah’s Story

“It was one of the scariest moments of my life.  We ran to the closet under our staircase to hide.  And then came the devastation.  After the tornado ripped through my small hometown, my husband and I knew we had just narrowly escaped the loss of our own home and possibly our lives by a…

Above Ground Safe Room: Right Choice?

The decision that often causes the most confusion is whether you should use an above ground storm shelter or an underground storm shelter.  There are many options in the ever-evolving world of storm preparedness and storm shelters. Here at Survive-A-Storm we manufacture both above and underground storm shelters, and we believe both types are equally safe…

Stay Safe in Storm Shelters

It’s no secret that nature can be a very violent, scary force that can wreak havoc on lives and property. Remember watching the coverage of the EF-5 killer tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma in May of 2013?  Being safe and protected is the number one priority when it comes to dangerous weather. Tornadoes in particular can…

Invest in Safety: Choosing the Right Shelter

Understanding real consequences of natural disasters that have occurred throughout the world in the last decade or so should make you realize how important preparation is. If you have witnessed or read about the utter devastation from tornadoes or hurricanes such as Katrina or Sandy, then you hopefully agree that having a safety plan in…

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