
Read about storms and severe weather, as well as secure shelter options, from America’s Tornado Shelter Provider – Survive-a-Storm.

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Protection: What Do You Need It For?

Reaching out to others.  That’s the hope.  And yet, we also feel the need for protection.  Of ourselves.  Of our circle—family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and so on.  So how does that work?  Well, for starters, we need to understand what we need protection from, and for whom?  Do we want/need protection from tornadoes?  Or from…

Community Storm Shelter:Protect the Children

Summer of 2016 is drawing to a close.  Schools have started back all across the nation.  Now is the time we begin to refocus our efforts on the best way to protect our most important asset as a nation:  Our children.  They are our future, and we are their heritage.  What have we left them? …

Learning to Trust: An Above Ground Safe Room

If you have yet to purchase your very own above ground safe room, there is no better time than now.  Peak season for tornadoes is typically in the spring, and then a second season rolls through in the fall months.  Since the spring season was unusually quiet this year, rumor has it that we might…

Affordable Underground Bunkers: Is That a Thing?

Are you in the market for affordable underground bunkers?  Most people see dollar signs when they think of purchasing secret underground bunkers.  And certainly, the cost can get quite extensive.  However, Survive-a-Storm Shelters understands the need for providing fallout shelters for most anyone.  Why should only the 1%, those with expendable income, be able to…

Community Storm Shelter: Does Your Hometown Have One?

Midwesterners are known for their pioneer spirits and their ability to overcome hardships.  They don’t like or expect help from outsiders, especially the government.  Most believe that it isn’t up to the government to provide a community storm shelter but instead, it should be up to the individual home owners.What about those within the community who…

Above Ground Safe Room Research

What comes to mind when you think of purchasing an above ground safe room? While there are multiple uses for owning one, i.e. tornadoes, home invasion, panic rooms, storage, etc., being confident in the one you own is essential.The Best Above Ground Safe Room in AmericaMany fly-by-night, above ground safe room companies claim to be…

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