Commercial Articles

Now is the Time to be Tornado Ready

Last Updated: July 28, 2016 Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t come.  But why wait?  Now is the time to prepare.  You can’t prepare for tornado season too early or too much. That’s what Oklahoma residents learned last week when an EF1 tornado hit Moore and Sand Springs and tornadoes were sighted across the state and…

Powder Coating vs. Painting…No Contest

Is the suspense killing you?  Okay.  A powder coated safe room or storm shelter wins hands-down every time!  That’s why all Survive-a-Storm safe rooms and storm shelters are powder coated to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality product on the market.  Here’s how it works.  Powder coating is a process of covering an…

Community Shelters: Which Shelters are Best?

Government officials in Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley have more than just road construction and school lunch programs to factor into their budgets: they have to consider the mortal safety of residents in their community. Most of these states have taken up initiatives to build storm shelters, knowing that they’re pretty much necessary to survival…