
Read about storms and severe weather, as well as secure shelter options, from America’s Tornado Shelter Provider – Survive-a-Storm.

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The Importance of Anchors with Tornado Shelters

The threat of tornadoes is a constant reminder of nature’s unpredictable power. We understand the worry that comes with sheltering from a powerful tornado. We see this fear present in the questions asked by those who wonder how we can possibly anchor down something above ground against an EF5 tornado.The answer is in the science…

Safe and Sound: Exploring the Types of Residential Tornado Shelters

As the sun sets on a quiet suburban neighborhood, families gather in their homes in relative comfort and security. Inside, children play in the living room, parents prepare the evening meal, and the world outside is a distant concern. It’s a testament to the peace that a safe home can offer. But, there’s also an…

When Installing an Above-Ground Residential Tornado Shelter Makes Sense

Tornadoes are unpredictable and if you’re not prepared the results could be devastating – injuries to you and your family, or even death. The best way to stay safe during a tornado is inside a tornado shelter. Installing a tornado shelter at your home requires a lot of consideration and careful planning. We’ve covered the intricacies…

The Installation and Maintenance of Commercial Tornado Shelters

Imagine this scenario:Dark clouds are gathering rapidly in the sky, a warning siren is howling in the distance, the wind is picking up an ominous speed and you have a building full of employees and customers.Tornado shelters are an essential part of staying protected against severe weather. That is no less true during the hours…

Survive-A-Storm Partnering with YouTube Weather Analyst, Ryan Hall

When you live in Tornado Alley or Dixie Alley, you soon learn that the skies can be brutal, with fierce winds that can spiral into dangerous tornadoes. Against this backdrop, Ryan Hall found his purpose, and on YouTube, he found his audience as a tornado expert and severe weather expert. Now, in collaboration with Survive-A-Storm,…

AWFUMC and SAS Add Storm Shelters to Disaster-Affected Areas

Natural disasters like tornadoes can wreak havoc on communities, leaving behind destruction and displacement. It’s been such an ongoing challenge in the service area of the Alabama-West Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church (AWFUMC) that the church created the Disaster Response and Recovery Ministry to assist after these natural disasters strike. The team typically…

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