Underground Residential Shelters - Easy Access?
June 15, 2016

Last Updated: July 28, 2016 For years, the only thing consumers knew about tornado shelters was the basement or some kind of underground cellar. However, with many developments in the industry, underground residential shelters have evolved from wood, fiberglass, and cement, to a more durable safe room made of steel. And even though studies have proved the safety of above ground tornado shelters, many people still prefer to hide away below ground while a tornado blows through town. The Survive-a-Storm Team understands these fears all too well, and we continue refining our residential storm shelters so that no matter where a person seeks out safety from a tornado, he or she feels safe.
So what can we do to make underground residential shelters easier for our older patrons who prefer to go underground?
Well, for starters, we have an in-ground garage model with anti-slip threads to prevent falling when going downstairs in a hurry. And since the unit is installed in the floor of a garage, no one has to go out into the weather to access it. This particular model we can install ourselves in the state of Oklahoma, should you choose to use our installers. Some of our other popular underground residential shelters are the Estate and Max models that are buried in the back yard or wherever is easy access. We can also extend these models to create larger residential underground bunkers.
Our choice of tornado safe rooms cannot be beat, and in fact, The Home Depot corporation has partnered up with Survive-a-Storm Shelters to offer their customers a high quality safe room that meets and exceeds all FEMA requirements, is sealed by the National Storm Shelter Association, and offers a free GeoLocator service for whenever a tornado strikes.If you would like to know more about our shelters or if you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 888-360-1492 or check us out at any of the Home Depot locations across the nation.