Our Above Ground Tornado Shelter Receives Rave Reviews
June 30, 2016

Last Updated: July 28, 2016 Have you ever wondered which above ground tornado shelter is the best value per price on the market? For many storm shelter companies, their sales tend to rise and fall as the tornado season rises and falls. When the weather is great, those same companies are wishing for the next big tornado so they don't struggle when the sales are down. Often times they will say anything to generate a sale, including tactics such as fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
So which company has the best above ground tornado shelter?
Well, while we know we are the top-ranking company in the industry, don't just take our word for it. Let me give you some facts about Survive-a-Storm Tornado safe rooms:All of our units:
- Are 100 % steel construction
- Meet NIJ level 2A ballistic resistance
- Are installed with 6,000 PSI per anchor
- Have a triple-locking, single-lever latching mechanism with keyed door handle for extra safety and security
- Have a baked-on powder coated finish which resists rust and corrosion
- Have a bolted vent provides a secondary means of egress in case the door is blocked
- An additional two stainless bolts slide to keep the shelter locked during any storm
And that's not all! Our above ground tornado shelter models can be found in many Home Depot locations across the nation. We are also producer/members of the National Storm Shelter Association which is the top governing tornado shelter organization in the U.S. And while all of these facts help our customers to know that the quality and craftsmanship of our shelters is supreme, it is our customers and their experiences with our tornado shelters that makes us America's #1 storm shelter company. We take pride in that. We love our customers. And we love knowing that what we do saves lives and reduces stress year-round. Give us a call today and let us help you prepare today. 888-360-1492.