Being Prepared: Pet Protection
September 8, 2016

As humans, we have an innate desire of being protected from natural and/or man-made disasters. Our first instinct is to circle our wagons and protect our families and our loved ones. Pet owners always include their furry family members in this circle of protection. And why not? Just like our children and other dependents, our pets rely on us to care for them, too. It all begins with being prepared.
September is Emergency Preparedness Month—the month for being prepared.
It's the time to create a plan and begin to practice the ‘what-if’ scenarios. We try to think of everyone and everything we want to save. That should include a plan for our pets. One of the most important pieces of information to remember when a crisis hits is this: If it isn’t safe for me or my family, it isn’t safe for my pets. Our above ground tornado safe rooms are ideal for pets in the event of a tornado. Instead of coaxing your pet into a shelter that goes underground, simply walk into your shelter and your pets can follow. If they are a little more stubborn, spend some time preparing for worst case scenarios and include them in the drills. Pets are trainable, and training them to run to safety during a tornado will help save their lives as well.Remember to place items in your tornado shelter for your pets. For example, store water and food bowls, their bed, and even some treats or a chew toy. If you have to run to a community shelter for safety, keep a pet carrier handy so that you can take your pets with you. Be sure to check with your local EMA to find out the locations nearest you. Also, find out any pet restrictions that they may have on their local community storm shelter.
A crisis is stressful, for you as well as your pets. Being prepared is the key to keeping your stress level at a more manageable level.
Research ways on how to be prepared, what kinds of events to be prepared for, and the best way to start. Find a reputable company that will help you purchase the most economical and durable products for protection in the industry. We ARE that company. Give us a call at 888-360-1492 to find out more about the products we offer. We are backed by The Home Depot as well as hundreds of Federal Firearms Dealers across the nation. Survive-a-Storm Shelters has the number one products to protect you and your family.Don’t wait. Communicate. Make an Emergency Communication Plan. And don’t forget your pets.