Tornado Safe Rooms: An Insider's Guide
July 5, 2016

Last Updated: July 28, 2016 Throughout tornado alley there are thousands of storm shelter companies claiming that their product is superior to all other competitors on the market. Their statements say something like "can deliver more protection for less than other companies that have come and gone over the years" and "the most innovative storm shelter systems on the market today". With so many claims to be superior, it can be confusing and unclear to consumers who are trying to make the right decisions for choosing tornado safe rooms. So how does a consumer know what to look for in a storm shelter company?
To begin, always research tornado safe rooms and the companies who build them.
While many companies can claim to be FEMA and ICC-500 compliant, you should make sure the company can back up that assertion. Also, many companies claim to be members of a storm shelter association that upholds the highest standards. For instance, the National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) is the original and most renowned organization that stamps their seal of approval on tornado shelters that meet their requirements. The American Tornado Shelter Association is another smaller organization with regulations that " are only required for companies that are selling shelters to customers who have a government rebate". Choose your supporting organization wisely. Now that we know there is a high standard for tornado safe rooms that should be met in order to be considered safe, what else sets a company apart?
For us, it is this statement: "Our company is also a trusted partner of The Home Depot".
That's right. We are an authorized service provider for the largest home improvement retailer in the industry. And that's what is so great about our relationship with them-we are a perfect match!They are the world's largest home improvement retailer, and we are the world's largest storm shelter producer. With those kinds of bragging rights, we HAVE to have the very best, safest, and most wanted products available for our consumers.
And our wide variety and sizes of tornado safe rooms are impressive.
We have underground units, above ground units, community shelters-both above and below. We have bolt-together and modular shelters. We have survival bunkers, too! All of our products offer near-absolute protection. If you would like to know more, please, check us out. Call your local Home Depot or the NSSA. Research us. And then give us a call for any more questions you need answered before placing the safety of your loved ones in one of our shelters. Reach us anytime at 888-360-1492 to speak with one of our Tornado Shelter Specialists. You'll sleep better at night.