Shelters Available at The Home Depot
June 30, 2016

Last Updated: July 28, 2016 Recent tornadoes in Oklahoma and Illinois, along with the usual spring spate of tornado watches and warnings, have prompted an uptick in inquiries about Survive-a-Storm Shelters. That's not surprising, since experts say the best place to be in a tornado is inside a storm shelter. But what you may not know is that Survive-a-Storm Shelters have now made their shelters available at The Home Depot® stores in Pittsburg, Kan.; Joplin, Springfield, Branson, and Osage, Mo.; Dallas and Ft. Worth. Texas; Little Rock, Ark.; and Oklahoma City, Okla. Several models are available. They range from a TwisterPod that accommodates four people to a TwisterPod Max that accommodates eight.
Can you believe it?! SAS Shelters available at The Home Depot!
Shoppers walking into those stores will discover a shiny grey metal storm shelter display sitting just next to the store entrance. As they move into the store, they can get an up-close look at a 4-foot in diameter metal cylinder aptly dubbed "The TwisterPod." On top of the TwisterPod is a television playing a looping doodle video explaining the process for purchasing the shelter through the world's largest home improvement retailer.Survive-a-Storm Shelters available at Home Depot® stores, are busy being delivered to locations throughout the Southwest and Midwest. The shelters are sold inclusive of delivery and installation within a generous delivery radius (typically about 50 miles) of each store location. Customers who want to purchase a shelter simply approach any Home Depot® associate and request a complimentary site visit to their home or place of business. The Home Depot then passes this information along to Survive-a-Storm, which schedules the visit within a week or so.
Makes buying process more timely, efficient
The company has a complete line of FEMA-compliant storm shelters available through The Home Depot® website. The move makes buying and installing a storm shelter more timely and efficient, according to Matt Williams, Survive-a-Storm vice president."Confusion about product testing and quality have been far too common in the storm shelter industry," Williams said. "Survive-a-Storm Shelters have been designed by licensed professional engineers, tested at Texas Tech University, and manufactured and installed in accordance National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) and FEMA guidelines, providing reassurance that the shelters distributed through The Home Depot meet these very stringent requirements."Consumers purchasing shelters through the Home Depot website are encouraged to have their shelters installed by a qualified local contractor and inspected to ensure that shelter installation complies with the manufacturer's guidelines for installation. The cost of purchasing a Survive-a-Storm Shelter through a Home Depot store ranges from $3,500 to about $5,000.
About our shelters available in The Home Depot
Survive-a-Storm Shelters are the highest quality, most reliable residential storm shelters sold in America. We offer near absolute protection with our full line of above and below ground shelters. Our FEMA-compliant Survive-a-Storm Shelters have been tried and tested and are able to withstand winds and debris from any EF5 tornado.And with affordable pricing and the many financing options we have made available to our customers, nearly anyone can afford one. Take a look at our customer testimonials and find out how pleased you will be to have a Survive-a-Storm shelter installed for your family.