FEMA, also known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is a government agency that assists communities in times of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural or human-caused disasters. Counties in each US state have, or should have, an Emergency Management Agency that assists residents when states of natural disaster are declared. They help obtain funding for areas affected by adversity. Local EMA offices work with the federal government for funding to rebuild and to assist members of the community.
When a tornado or multiple storms hit an area, sometimes a disaster is declared on a federal level. After this declaration, you can go to the FEMA website to apply for assistance. You will need to include a description of your disaster-caused damage and losses.
FEMA is very helpful when it comes to providing guidance about residential tornado shelters and community safe rooms. In fact, while FEMA does not endorse any specific products, they do have a set of standard requirements for safe rooms. When followed, their protocols can protect and save lives. If a storm shelter company claims to be FEMA-certified, endorsed, or approved, beware. A storm shelter company should be FEMA-compliant, which means they follow FEMA guidelines for shelter safety.
So, whether you are a homeowner interested in a residential tornado safe room, or someone who is interested in obtaining information for a community tornado safe room, the best place to start is through your local EMA office. And, if you need assistance with funding questions for things like tornado safe rooms, emergency supplies, etc., your emergency management agency officer will be able to lead you in the right direction. Go meet your local officers at the EMA office where you live, and add their information to your family safety plan.