Many natural and unexpected disasters occur every single day. It is the ‘not knowing’ if people in your circle are alive and okay that can cause even more trauma to those who are left to wonder until contact has been made. Thankfully in today’s world of excessive communication through social media outlets and new and developing apps, knowing sooner than later if someone you care about has survived the latest disaster has become much easier.
Life360 is a tool that works great even before an incident occurs. This application allows your people to check-in to their location as they go about their day. For families with young drivers, Life360 allows you to know their location and is a free subscription. There are other features that go along with a premium subscription as well, including the ability to communicate with members, location history, crime alerts, and even crash detection and emergency response.
Facebook uses an app called “I am Safe” and if an incident occurs in your area, Facebook will ask you to ‘check-in’ to let people know you are okay. This app is awesome for people who have Facebook and whose majority of people are also avid Facebook users. Since Facebook is a global entity, their “I am Safe” application can alert others to incidents that might be missed or overlooked through news outlets and other sources.
Not everyone we love is living in one location. Thankfully, there is a list of ways in which you can communicate with your loved ones when an event occurs. There are so many more apps out there to connect with your loved ones for whatever reason. Find one that works for your family and include it in your family safety plan. You’ll be glad you did!